This handbook is Draft V 9.2A work in progress, feedback can be shared (email spacegenerators@gmail.com) so that the project can evolve by crowd sourcing wisdom.

The Climate Emergency Centres (CECs) project and handbook have grown out of 30 years of grassroots environmental community centre projects, which began in 1992 after the Rio Earth Summit.

We acknowledge there is work needed in many aspects of this evolving CEC Handbook. Many ideas are currently included with a view to selecting what works as we go.

The handbook is set up in 10 easy to follow steps with an appendix and extra info. It is an evolving document of knowledge that will gradually crowd source wisdom from many communities, projects, centres and groups who can share best practise.

Assisting  groups to set up new eco projects in their communities and making things easier for each group as they learn from previous knowledge, experience, documentation and receive support from the wider CEC UK network.

There is a regular zoom video advice/ support meeting and a Whats app chat group to connect with other teams.

To find out more:  email climateec@gmail.com

CEC V9.2 Handbook G doc: